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Tak-sà tû cho-tet kung-hien ke mòi-thí chṳ̂-liau-khu, kîm-ha chúng-khiung yù 110,541,835 ke chhṳ-yù ke mòi-thí vùn-khien.
Kîm-ngit thù-phién

Lightning strikes over the Presidential Palace, in Brasília. After the terrorist attacks of ISIS on different cities in France, Brazil expresses its sympathy by displaying the colors of the French flag on the Palácio da Alvorada. Nov 13, 2015.

+/− (hak), +/− (en)

Kîm-ngit yáng-phién
"Journey of Sound to the Brain" – an animated explanatory video about the human hearing or auditory system.
It illustrates how sounds travel to the inner ear, and then to the brain, where they are interpreted and understood. The cochlea in the inner ear is a spiral-shaped organ that contains hair cells, which sense sound vibrations. Hair cells convert sound vibrations into chemical signals that the auditory nerve can understand.

+/− (hak), +/− (en)


 Tên-ngi̍p Khôi sîn ke fu-khiéu

Chhiáng ngì yung liá ya̍p táng-thèu chhìm ke khiông-é yu-phién ke lièn-kiet lòi liù-lám. Fôn-ngiàng ngì thin ngài-têu ke Feeds.
Chhiáng ngì thu̍k ngài-têu ke thi ngi pái sṳ́-yung chṳ́-nàm, lí-hàng chhṳ-yù sṳ́-yung hia̍p-thin ke yêu-khiù. Ngì ya cho-tet yung chhiáng phe̍t-sà sông-chai thù-phién.
Chhiáng ngì khon Category:Hàn-màng phien-ngin chhut lòi ke tûng-sî. Na he ngì yù fap-thu phien-ngin chhut he mak-ke tûng-sî, chhiáng ngì hi khì ke thó-lun-ya̍p thì-chhut.
Chhiáng ngì ngin-chṳ̂n ke thu̍k yit-ha ngài-têu ke Án-ngiòng kung-hien ngì ke chok-phín, liáu-kié lâu chhóng-chok yù siông-kôn ke sêu-sit.
Kien tô!
See the list of discussion pages.
Chhiáng ngì lòi-hi ngài-têu ke sa-khî liá-têu chhìm kien tô kung-hien ke fông-sṳt.
Hip-siong pí-soi
Hip-siong sông-chai to liá-têu, chhâm-kâ ngài-teu tak ngie̍t ke pí-soi, tet-tó lìn-kám, chai chhṳ yit-ha sîn ke chú-thì! Ap liá-têu liáu-kié kien-tô!

Na he ngì he thèu yit pái lòi liá-têu, ngì cho-tet siên khon «thi̍t-set thù-phién», «yù-mì thù-phién» fe̍t-chá «chui hó ke thù-phién». Ngì ya cho-tet chhai «Ngin-sṳt ngài-têu ke hip-siong sṳ̂-fu» lâu «Ngin-sṳt ngài-têu ke va̍k thù sṳ̂-fu» tú hi khon ngài-têu chôn-kâ tén-khip kung-hien-chá ke chok-phín. Ngì khó-nèn voi tui «ngièn-thu thù-phién» yù him-chhi.
