Money Makes The World Go Round
Ultra-Wealthy Families Paying up to $800 per Day for Baby Nurses

If you have the patience to deal with someone else’s screaming kids, ultra-wealthy families and high-end business couples are paying up to $800 a day for baby nurses to care for their newborns.
Wealthy business people who can handle hundreds of employees are starting to realize that taking care of their own newborn babies is on an entirely different level. These affluent families with moms and dads working in high-end business roles are now paying through the nose for baby nurses to not only care for their babies but also to teach them to sleep through the night.
Can Handle a Business but Not a Baby
The millionaires, billionaires, and modern-day business families of this world know how to make money. But do they know how to take care of their babies?
The traditional stay-at-home-mom and go-to-work-dad were the cornerstone of family development in the Western world until approximately 30-years ago.
In the modern business world where many women rightfully command the same respect and salaries as their male counterparts, times have changed in the family home.
According to Seth Norman Greenberg, the managing director of a New York-based domestic staff recruitment company called the Pavillion Agency had some really interesting things to say when talking to Business Insider:
“I spoke to someone the other day who said, ‘My husband’s a titan, he manages 10,000 people, and he can’t put our kid to sleep. Clients can be in any industry, from business titans, financial, manufacturing, tech — and then some people that are just retired.'”
Affluent wealthy families are paying up to $800 for baby nurses to fill the void and to teach their newborns to sleep through the night so the parents can get a proper night’s sleep.
The nurses work 22-hour shifts and barely take a day off until the kids reach three or four years old. They’re also not always registered nurses because the demand is currently so great.
Greenberg also mentioned that ultra-wealthy families who are successful from a business can do so because their homes are run for them, allowing them to do what they do best – making money!
Featured image from Shutterstock.