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бынат, кæм ис 110,541,836 сæрибар медиа файлтæ, кæдон алкæмæндæр ис гæнæн ивын.

 Нывтæ æмæ хуызистытæ



Боны ныв
Боны ныв
Lightning strikes over the Presidential Palace, in Brasília. After the terrorist attacks of ISIS on different cities in France, Brazil expresses its sympathy by displaying the colors of the French flag on the Palácio da Alvorada. Nov 13, 2015.
+/− [os], +/− [en]
Боны медиа
Media of the day
"Journey of Sound to the Brain" – an animated explanatory video about the human hearing or auditory system.
It illustrates how sounds travel to the inner ear, and then to the brain, where they are interpreted and understood. The cochlea in the inner ear is a spiral-shaped organ that contains hair cells, which sense sound vibrations. Hair cells convert sound vibrations into chemical signals that the auditory nerve can understand.
+/− [en]

Абоны бон нывты
Хайад исынæн

Кæд фыццаг хатт æрбацыдтæ ВикиКъæбицмæ, уæд бæргæ дæ фæнды фенын Сæрмагонд нывтæ, Хорз нывтæ æви Аргъгонд нывтæ. Ноджы ма дæ бон у фенын куыстытæ, кæдон сарæзтой не стыр профессион архайджытæ. Уый тыххæй кæс Нæ нывисджытæ æмæ Нæ нывгæнджытæ.

Азы ныв 2010

In mid-August 2010 ESO Photo Ambassador Yuri Beletsky snapped this amazing photo at ESO’s Paranal Observatory. A group of astronomers were observing the centre of the Milky Way using the laser guide star facility at Yepun, one of the four Unit Telescopes of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). (POTD)

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